
Jan 24, 2018 12:45 PM

澳门十大赌城官方网站将于周日举办第三届年度夏季音乐学院, 7月22日, 到周日, 7月29日, 设有客座教师和艺术家从顶级音乐合奏. The academy promotes classical music education, and the goal is to develop individual musicianship for string, 木管乐器, 黄铜, piano and voice in a supportive environment.

Those who are ages 14 and up are encouraged to enroll. All skill levels are welcome.

今年新增的是面向14至19岁参与者的SMA国际比赛. The competition, with an award of more than $1,000, will consist of a single round, which will take place on 7月22日.

During the one-week workshop, 每位参加者都将体验世界知名艺术家的指导, including members of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, The Flute Academy, Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra of Washington, as well as FSU music department faculty members. The academy will be no larger than 60 students.

Academy activities will feature masterclasses, evening faculty performances, chamber music coaching, 亚历山大技术和接触国际知名音乐家, soloists and teachers, 以及在美丽的阿勒格尼山脉进行户外活动.


查理·鲍尔斯的大提琴演奏被《澳门赌城官方网站》形容为“泰然自若”, 优雅的, supple of phrasing and mellow of tone.2013-2014音乐季,他加入了匹兹堡交响乐团的大提琴部,并与美国各地的管弦乐团合作.S. 和国外. 鲍尔斯是两个广受好评的室内乐团的创始成员, the Teiber String Trio and The Phillips Camerata, as well as the recently formed Pittsburgh Cello Quartet. 他曾与马友友、里卡多·莫拉莱斯、彼得·威利等著名艺术家合作.

Dr. 姚淑婷是国家弦乐团的首席第二小提琴手. 最近几季的著名演出是卡洛琳·肯尼迪在日本大使馆的就职典礼和当时的美国总统大选.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s lecture in Washington, D.C. 她还曾在卡内基音乐厅以及欧洲和亚洲的许多主要音乐会场地演出. 她是天主教大学的全额奖学金博士研究员和助教.

Dr. 克里斯汀·巴奇奥奇-斯图尔特是北卡罗来纳州卑尔根县长笛学院的董事和创始人.J., and has served on the faculties of Union College, Peabody Institute of The Johns Hopkins University, FSU and Ithaca College. 她是新泽西管乐交响乐团的首席长笛手,也是天琴座乐团的成员. 巴奇奥奇-斯图尔特在美国各地举办音乐会、讲座、研讨会和大师班.S. and has performed throughout Europe and Japan.

Clarinetist Dr. Mark Gallagher has performed with the Washington Opera, U.S. 海军乐队, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, 巴尔的摩室内乐团和纽约市芭蕾舞乐团, 等. 他是纽约市国际艺术家比赛的获胜者, 活跃的室内音乐家和I Venti Semplice的联合创始人. 他是FSU单簧管和音乐理论的副教授,并在威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校担任教学职位, Carroll College.

Dr. 布伦特·韦伯是一位在美国各地演出的萨克斯演奏家, 中国, 斯洛文尼亚, Thailand and France. 他以萨克斯管助理教授的身份进入位于中国四川省省会的四川音乐学院, 成都, in 2007. Weber is assistant professor of saxophone at FSU, 在哪里, in addition to maintaining the saxophone and bassoon studios, he coordinates the jazz studies program.

Dr. 蔡怀恩是波托马克交响乐团和大华盛顿艺术室内乐团的助理首席长号手, D.C. 蔡崇信以独奏、室内乐和管弦乐队音乐家的身份参加音乐会. His lecture engagements include Slider Asia 2016 in Seoul, 韩国, and the American Trombone Workshop 2017 in Arlington, Va. 他在许多会议上表演并介绍了他对长号演奏方法和历史的研究.

Pianist Joseph Yungen has enjoyed success as a solo performer, collaborative artist, new music advocate and teacher. 过去的成就包括在第14届Jessie Kneisel Lieder年度比赛中获得Ann Fehn钢琴家一等奖,以及在明尼阿波利斯第88届舒伯特俱乐部年度比赛中获得一等奖. In addition to performing, 他是新泽西州青年艺术家钢琴比赛的创始成员之一, an educational seminar for advanced young pianists. He joined the music faculty at FSU in fall 2016.

Dr. 詹姆斯米. Reddan是FSU合唱活动和合唱音乐教育总监. He is an active choral conductor, adjudicator and clinician in demand regionally, domestically and internationally. 他指挥的乐团已经获得了世界范围的认可, including performing f或者是 2008 and 2012 Summer Olympics. 他曾获得美国合唱奖颁发的“音乐教育卓越奖”,并被美国合唱奖评为首届荣誉艺术家合唱乐团的指挥.

First Associate Concertmaster Nathan Cole, who joined the Los Angeles Philharmonic in 2011, 作为匹兹堡交响乐团的客座首席演奏长, 明尼苏达州, 休斯顿, 渥太华, Seattle and Oregon. 他曾是芝加哥交响乐团的成员和圣保罗室内乐团的首席第二小提琴手. 科尔是科尔本表演艺术学院的教员. 他的文章和照片曾出现在弦乐、交响乐和室内乐杂志上. 科尔将在澳门赌城官方网站演奏他1716年的斯特拉迪瓦里“前米尔斯坦”.

SMA国际比赛表演者必须参加一周内所有要求的SMA活动. 器乐演奏家的曲目要求包括协奏曲或奏鸣曲的一个乐章和参与者选择的一个对比片段. 演唱者必须演唱两首风格和语言截然不同的歌剧咏叹调和两首风格和语言截然不同的艺术歌曲.

A variety of price and residency options are available. 你可以 find more information or register f或者是 Summer Music Academy online, or contact the director, Dr. 刘嘉玲(Karen Lau) klau@onesourcehomeinspection.com.

FSU夏季音乐学院部分由FSU基金会支持. 你可以 support the FSU 基金会 online or call 301-687-4161.

Situated in the mountains of Allegany County, 澳门十大赌城官方网站是马里兰大学系统的12所机构之一. FSU is a comprehensive, 是一所住宿地区大学,也是马里兰州西部的教育和文化中心. For more information, visit the Frostburg State web site 或者是 FSU Facebook page. Follow FSU on Twitter @frostburgstate.

FSU is committed to making all of its programs, 残疾人可获得的服务和活动. To request accommodations through the ADA Compliance Office, 请致电301-687-4102或使用语音中继操作员1-800-735-2258.