FSU Celebrates Region’s Unique Culture, 历史, Music and Dance With 阿巴拉契亚节


澳门十大赌城官方网站’s much-anticipated 阿巴拉契亚节 will return for its 14th year from Thursday, 9月. 9月19日至9月9日星期六. 21. 免费的, family-friendly event brings together artists and craftspeople to celebrate all that makes the region unique – its history, 文化, 音乐和舞蹈, 民间艺术, 食物和更多的表演, 研讨会, 显示, 讨论和活动. 今年的主题是“公正的转型:气候、经济和文化”.”

The capstone of the festival is the concert featuring Dom Flemons on Saturday at 7:30 p.m. 在历史悠久的宫殿剧院. 主圣. 在Frostburg. Flemons was the co-founder of the Carolina Chocolate Drops who won a Grammy for Best Traditional Folk Album in 2010. 在离开乐队开始单飞之后, 弗莱蒙斯在2018年发行了一张专辑, 题目是“Dom Flemons呈现黑人牛仔”,,并获得了格莱美最佳民谣专辑提名. He was also nominated for two Emmys at the 2018 National Academy of Television Arts & PBS节目的中美洲科学奖, 《澳门赌城官方网站》介绍Dom Flemons,以及与本·阿瑟共同创作的歌曲《澳门赌城官方网站》. He was the first artist-in-residence at the Making American Music Internship Program at the Smithsonian National Museum of American 历史. Known as “The American Songster” because his repertoire of music covers more than 100 years of American folklore, 歌谣和曲调, 弗莱蒙斯也是一位音乐学者, 历史学家和多乐器演奏家. 该活动的成人门票为15美元,可以在门口购买.

本届电影节将于周四晚7点以电影节拉开帷幕.m. 在皇宫剧院. 第一部电影, “澳门十大赌城官方网站是蓝草乐队,” demonstrates local efforts to continue Appalachian heritage through bluegrass music. 第二个, “乡下人,面对的是对阿巴拉契亚人和其他农村人的描绘, 并向观众介绍了细微的差别, authentic Appalachia that is quite conscious of how it has been portrayed and the impacts of those portrayals.

The theme of just transitions continues Friday on FSU’s Upper Quad with the Appalachian Symposium, 下午1点开始.m. 《澳门十大赌城官方网站》作者:泰勒·坎农, 山区流域协会的社区组织者, who will explore the Appalachian Storage Hub and related petrochemical infrastructure in the region. 建议的发展包括乙烷裂解, miles of pipelines and underground storage facilities that would create a plastics-processing network stretching from Catlettsburg, Ky.沿着俄亥俄河,来到宾夕法尼亚州的比弗. Cannon将专注于这些项目的最新发展, 页岩气和塑料之间的联系, and how audience members can get involved in the fight f或者是 future of the region.

在下午两点的演讲之后.m. 雅各布·汉娜, 煤田开发的第一位保护协调员, will present “Rebuilding the Appalachian Economy From the Ground Up With Triple-Bottom-Line Sustainability.” Hannah focuses on creating innovative ways to protect West Virginia and incorporate it into the future. 测试他的三重底线可持续发展概念, he spent three years developing revitalization initiatives for coal towns in central Pennsylvania and food security programs in Western Maryland.

下午3点.m., 加入Clory Jackson和Caroline Hann, who have embarked on a creative journey to explore and confront the history and social impact of 布朗斯威尔, 弗罗斯特堡的一个被遗忘的社区,始建于19世纪60年代. 他们的互动剧场体验, “布朗斯维尔计划,的故事,试图探索一个地方的种族, class, 性别和家庭自豪感相结合.

今天的最后一场演讲,“鲜活的新政”,下午4点.m., 独立历史学家布伦特·麦基说, 考虑到绿色新政决议的可行性, will discuss and present photographs about the “green” aspects of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, 1933-1943, 全国和地方. 这将包括工程进展管理局的气候科学项目, 公共工程管理局资助的卫生项目, tree planting by the Civilian Conservation Corps and legislation and art designed to promote the conservation of wildlife.

讨论会下午6点结束.m. with a community sing for climate and social justice led by singer-songwriters Kim Alexander, Doug Hendren, 斯帕克和朗达·拉克, 和罗布·史密斯.

Also on Saturday, two stages will host a variety of musical groups from across the region. 蓝山蓝草乐队,T-Mart Rounders乐队,山核桃底乐队,戴维斯乐队 & 埃尔金斯学院阿巴拉契亚乐团, 水牛跑, 阿勒格尼流浪者, 黑钻石, 安迪•科恩, 高原草地, 花山弦乐团, 克里顿空心弦带, the Barnstormers and the RockCandy Cloggers will perform on the Compton stage. 在托马斯斯巴鲁现代的舞台上, 斯帕克和朗达·拉克, 皮特·霍比的《花粉热, 时间旅行者, 迈克尔和凯莉·克莱恩, 戴维斯·布拉德利二人组, 洛蕾塔·汉梅尔和保罗·迪克斯, 每日新闻, 杰夫,迈尔斯·托马斯和塔比·芬奇, Jay Smar, 卡塞尔曼山谷旅行者和Twang! 将会出现. 除了, the Garrett Highlands Pipes and Drums and Frostburg Arion Band will perform on the grounds.

教堂活动,上午11点开始.m. 在库克教堂,将包括个人的希望和韧性的故事. 社区 members are invited to join this story-sharing session to hear local community members narrate how they were inspired to keep going despite economic, 健康, 社会或精神挑战. 从12:30到下午3点出现在教堂.m. 乔·安·达迪斯曼的故事, 亚当·布斯, 凯蒂和奥托·罗斯, 艾琳·埃文斯和米卡莱娜·扎克特, who will enchant the audience with stories and lore inspired by their Appalachian upbringings. 之后, festival attendees can learn the fundamentals of songwriting from professional songwriter Robert Smith.

全天,与会者可以参观探索帐篷. 来了解弗罗斯特堡历史悠久的非裔美国人社区吧, 布朗斯威尔, from author Lynn Bowman; the interracial documentary project, 希望, which consists of more than 40 life story interviews from sons and daughters of coal miners; the plight of the honey bee as presented by 14-year-old Finian Stroup, who began a fundraising campaign to raise money for honey bee research; and addressing climate change in Appalachia. Also featured are an open discussion of the collection “Appalachian Reckoning: A Region Responds to ‘Hillbilly Elegy,’”这是针对J.D. 这本书探索了阿巴拉契亚更复杂的视角, 以及艺术家兼作家雷吉娜·霍利迪, who has advocated for transparency in medical records and began “The Walking Gallery” movement.

在民俗帐篷里, festivalgoers can participate in several Appalachian dance and dance-calling 研讨会, 以及了解马里兰民间生活网络, the African American ballad tradition and the traditional medicinal plants of Appalachia.

除了丰富的食物和适合所有年龄的娱乐活动, the festival will provide activities and programming specifically for children, who can join in singalongs with multi-instrumentalist Ray Owen; join the Sunnyland Band and play along on spoons, 壶, washboards and all kinds of instruments from other countries; try out instruments at the Cat and the Fiddle musical instrument petting zoo; explore Appalachian arts through hands-on activities; paint goat-shaped silhouettes at the Capering Kids 4-H Goat Club display; make “weaving” crafts; and meet the members of Cub Scout Pack 24.

各种各样的工匠也在整个节日中出现, 提供梭织, 陶器, 陶瓷产品, 工业风格的雕塑作品和配件, 绗缝, 水彩画, 珠宝, 针织, 制作篮子, 装饰葫芦, 纤维艺术, 雪茄盒班卓琴, 染色和熔胶玻璃, 编织的锅架和石板画. Also on the grounds are Dragonfly and Company (natural soaps and body products), 芬兰Stroup(蜜蜂主题的沐浴炸弹和巧克力椒盐脆饼), Heishman HoneyB Hut(蜂蜜和蜂蜡产品), 荨麻贴片(有机产品), 考古学会西马里兰分会, 阿什比堡的朋友们, 温氏港湾(天然个人及家庭护理产品), 加勒特郡凯尔特节, 弗罗斯特堡博物馆协会, 阿勒格尼县妇女行动联盟, 阿勒格尼加勒特县鸟类俱乐部, NAACP - alleany分会, FrostburgFirst, 健康收获合作社(杂货店), 奈玛可林鳟鱼无限章. 199, 阿巴拉契亚实验室, 绿色新政, 马里兰州民权委员会, Allegany County Truth and Reconciliation Committee (to recognize the victims of lynching), 1970年加勒特县道路工人罢工, 山区流域协会, 美国红十字会, alleany Allied Arts Inc., 迪克森非洲卫理公会圣公会, 国际地理荣誉协会- Gamma Theta Upsilon, 的, 德尔塔西格玛派和宿舍楼协会.

多媒体学习中心将从上午11点开始提供天文馆表演.m. 到2点.m.

要了解更多关于FSU阿巴拉契亚节的信息,请访问 FSU阿巴拉契亚节网站 或电邮Dr。. 卡拉·罗杰斯·托马斯 krogersthomas@onesourcehomeinspection.com.

位于阿勒格尼县的山区, 澳门十大赌城官方网站 is one of the 12 institutions of the University System of Maryland. FSU是一个综合性的, residential regional university and serves as an educational and cultural center for Western Maryland. 更多信息,请访问 澳门十大赌城官方网站网站 或者是 FSU Facebook页面. 在Twitter上关注FSU @frostburgstate.

FSU致力于制作所有的节目, 残疾人可获得的服务和活动. 通过ADA合规办公室申请住宿, 请致电301-687-4102或使用语音中继操作员1-800-735-2258.